Simple 16 types profiles based on dominant and auxiliary functions

Simple type descriptions based on definitive dominant perspective and auxiliary function

Even though each type code is defined by the dominant and auxiliary functions, the dominant is the one the ego really invests in. The auxiliary is just there, supplied by a “supporting” complex or ego state, because of the need for balance (to balance the dominant’s judging or perception with the opposite mode of rationality, and the dominant’s introverted or extraverted attitude with the opposite).

So to start with the NP’s, which are types most common in type discussion, and often wonder which function is really dominant:

Ti ego: lives for the proclamation of “true! true! correct! correct!” as determined by the individual. Like I look back over my writings, [type, politics, other interests, etc.], noting the key points, and subconsciously relishing “true!” via the emotions (which are based on an impersonal declaration of “truth”, not on the emotional state in its own right). Things that are “false” bring very negative emotions, especially when affecting the ego, but at other times, can be totally trivial, like simple lack of symmetry of something. A nice symmetry brings a warm feeling of an un-spoken “true”. Broken symmetry will feel dissonant.
Ne support: draws them to the “philosophical” side of things; shares truths as “ideas”, telling others to “imagine” them as possibilities, to see the truth in them, or how they work.

Ne ego: lives to “imagine! imagine!” Already geared to the environment (patterns extracted from real life), it’s not initially as much about sharing with others. It’s for them to relish the world of ideas, and then share them via their Ji perspective. (Will not be as grounded upon “truth” or “goodness” as the Ji dominant. This was brought to mind by someone on a transit forum, who always puts out wild ideas of how to rearrange subway lines, even though many have shown him they will never be seen as efficient by the Transit agency. I myself had begun coming up with all sorts of ideas years ago, but quickly learned [and then internalized] the agency’s principles of how to run things (and this even before working for the agency myself). The fact that his focus is so strongly on technical judgments of how to arrange things suggests a strong “mechanical” focus, and they are totally his judgments; ignoring the judgments of the external authority. So it’s Ne being perhaps a bit overdriven, and thus not grounded enough with the T judgment of whether the principles behind the ideas are “correct”, and, which when dominant and more mature, would also know when to back itself up with the opposite attitude. An ENFP with an overdriven dominant will have more of a “personal” focus, but not enough to ground the ideas to see they are not really doing anything for the people.
Ti support (ENTP): draws them to the mechanics of things, and shares imaginations by showing others how the ideas work.
Fi support (ENFP): draws them to the human side of things, sharing imaginations by showing others how the ideas affect people, like spreading happiness through “silliness”, or using theories like this to improve self and personal relationships

INFP: Fi ego: lives for the proclamation of “good! good! nice! nice!”. I imagine they might look back over their writings, noting the key points, and subconsciously relishing “good!” via the emotions, which are what are focused on.
Ne support: shares niceties as “ideas”, telling others to “imagine” them as possibilities, to see the goodness in them.

Se support: draws them to the practical side of things; shares truths or niceties as practical experience such as the arts, mechanics, etc. showing others how tangible things work, or how to experience the joys of life

Se ego: lives to take in “what is”. Already geared to the environment, where emergent data is taken in ‘as is’, it’s not initially as much about sharing with others. It’s primarily for them to relish the moment of tangible reality and then share the experiences with others via their Ji perspective. (Will not be as grounded upon “truth” or “goodness” as the Ji dominant. If too overdriven above a Ti sense of how things work, a person may do all sorts of stunts figuring from Se alone that he’s mastered it, and yet make critical mistakes and get hurt. If too overdriven above an Fi sense of what affects people, may engage in offensive verbal or physical play).
Ti support (ESTP): draws them to the mechanics of things, and shares experiences by showing others their sense of how the dynamics of them work.
Fi support (ESFP): draws them to the human side of things, sharing experiences by showing others their sense of how they affect people, like spreading happiness through “fun”, or using internet venues like social media to interact with others.

Si ego: lives to draw on the experience of what “is”, as maintained and filtered by the individual. Relishes what’s “known”, used to navigate what currently “is”.
Te support: (ISTJ): draws them to the mechanics of things, and shares practical knowledge by showing others how they work to produce efficiency.
Fe support (ISFJ): draws them to the human side of things, sharing practical knowledge by showing others how to meet needs, like spreading happiness through service. (Fi dom. “pure” Supines, in contrast, serve ‘actively’ via inferior Te, through which they are seeking acceptance in return. They’re not adopting the environment’s values, but rather environmental efficiency, though in a subordinate way. For more on this, see Supine “service”: introverted or extraverted Feeling?).

Ni ego: like Ne, lives to “imagine! imagine!”, but now the patterns are extracted from the individual’s own reflection or sudden insight, which do not come directly, immediately from the environment. This is for them to relish an internal world of ideas. (Will not be as grounded upon “truth” or “goodness” as the Je dominant)
Te support: (INTJ): draws them to the mechanics of things, and shares their visions by showing others how they work to produce efficiency.
Fe support (INFJ): draws them to the human side of things, sharing their visions by showing others how to meet needs, like spreading harmony through giving insights.

Te ego: lives for the “truth” of efficient order. Will point to “objectivity”, but the ego still is gratified, relishing the “correctness” of how things work in creating order and frets at “incorrect”.
Si support (ESTJ): draws them to the tangible side of things, drawing upon their individual knowledge of “what is” in how to create efficiency.
Ni support (ENTJ): draws them to the philosophical side of things, drawing upon their individual visions of how to create efficiency.

Fe ego: lives for the “goodness” of environmental personal harmony. Relishes “good!” “nice”, “liked” in the environment, and frets at “bad” or “disliked” as well.
Si support (ESFJ): draws them to the tangible side of things, drawing upon their individual knowledge of “what is” in how to create interpersonal harmony.
Ni support (ENFJ): draws them to the philosophical side of things, drawing upon their individual visions of how to create interpersonal harmony.

16 Types and basic perspective preferences:

ISTJ Si turn inward for “known” awareness of tangible items (referencing a storehouse of experience)
Te turn outward to make true/false assessments (the determination of logical order is implicit in the object)
ISFJ Si turn inward for “known” awareness of tangible items (referencing a storehouse of experience)
Fe turn outward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined based directly on the group)
INFJ Ni turn inward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (interpreting patterns with internal impressions
Fe turn outward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined based directly on the group)
INTJ Ni turn inward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (interpreting patterns with internal impressions)
Te turn outward to make true/false assessments (the determination of logical order is implicit in the object)
ISTP Ti turn inward to make true/false assessments (determinations stem from an internal blueprint of order)
Se turn outward for “known” awareness of tangible items (emergent experience)
ISFP Fi turn inward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined from an internal blueprint)
Se turn outward for “known” awareness of tangible items (emergent experience)
INFP Fi turn inward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined from an internal blueprint)
Ne turn outward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (inferring connections with external patterns)
INTP Ti turn inward to make true/false assessments (determinations stem from an internal blueprint of order)
Ne turn outward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (inferring connections with external patterns)
ESTP Se turn outward for “known” awareness of tangible items (emergent experience)
Ti turn inward to make true/false assessments (determinations stem from an internal blueprint of order)
ESFP Se turn outward for “known” awareness of tangible items (emergent experience)
Fi turn inward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined from an internal blueprint)
ENFP Ne turn outward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (inferring connections with external patterns)
Fi turn inward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined from an internal blueprint)
ENTP Ne turn outward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (inferring connections with external patterns)
Ti turn inward to make true/false assessments (determinations stem from an internal blueprint of order)
ESTJ Te turn outward to make true/false assessments (the determination of logical order is implicit in the object)
Si turn inward for “known” awareness of tangible items (referencing a storehouse of experience)
ESFJ Fe turn outward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined based directly on the group)
Si turn inward for “known” awareness of tangible items (referencing a storehouse of experience)
ENFJ Fe turn outward to make good/bad assessments (harmony is determined based directly on the group)
Ni turn inward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (interpreting patterns with internal impressions)
ENTJ Te turn outward to make true/false assessments (the determination of logical order is implicit in the object)
Ni turn inward for “inferred” awareness of conceptual constructs (interpreting patterns with internal impressions)